A Month in High Performance Computing Center
It has been a month since I started working at National Center for High Performance Computing of Turkey. This center provides computing resources for scientific researches and R&D department of industrial companies. I am a part time employer here, and truth to be told, I have no specific job description. I am obligated to run routine tasks, such as checking…
Google Play Port Number for Android Devices
An Android device contacts Google Play servers for several reasons, such as checking internet connectivity, push notifications and application installations triggered from web. These services will fail to operate if the Google Play ports are blocked in your network (mobile data, wireless, vpn). If you are using a firewall and would like to allow (or…
Buying A Nexus 4: The Adventure
Previous summer, I decided to buy a new smartphone. I set a price range for myself, and started searching the ultimate smartphone that suits my needs. I really loved what Sony did with their Xperia products. I made a pro/con list for several phones, and some of the features I considered was: USB on-the-go support,…
Managing Gunicorn Processes With Supervisor
Last week, I have written a post about gunicorn applications. We started gunicorn manually, and our application worked. Yay! However, everything is not so great. When (If) the server reboots, gunicorn must be started manually, again. We should find a way to automate this. Actually, there are few ways to accomplish this, such as: init…
Supervisord: Restarting and Reloading
Supervisord is a great daemon for managing application processes. However it does not have a reload option, and restart works different than we get used to. These command makes the following effects. Restart supervisor service without making configuration changes available. It stops, and re-starts all managed applications. Restart application without making configuration changes available. It…
How to Run Flask Applications with Nginx Using Gunicorn
We have recently bought a VPS for İTÜ24, the online newsletter of Istanbul Technical University. The server is running on Ubuntu Server 12.04 operating system. Due to limited memory resources and performance concerns, we preferred to setup nginx as web server. Our server will serve several web pages and applications developed in various programming languages,…
Resetting Your Linux Password
If you cannot remember your password on a Linux operating system, you can simply reset it within minutes. Here is how to do: The only thing you need is a bootable Linux Live CD or USB thumb drive. You will also need “sudo” command to achieve this, make sure you have root privileges on your…
İTÜ Laboratuvarlarında Dropbox Kurulumu
Dropbox, dosyalarınızı internet üzerinde barındırarak her yerden erişmenizi sağlayan harika bir bulut depolama hizmeti. İnternet tarayıcısı üzerinden dosya yüklemeniz ve yüklediğiniz dosyalara erişebilmeniz mümkün olmasına rağmen, bazı durumlarda bu seçenek kullanışsız bir işkenceye dönüşebiliyor. Dropbox’ın istemci yazılımı, belirlediğiniz klasör içinde yaptığınız her değişikliği otomatik olarak ve anında internete gönderiyor. Bu yazılımı İTÜ’deki öğrenci bilgisayar laboratuvarlarındaki…
Bu “Gönül”e Bu Teşekkür Yetmez
Pardus’ta staj yaparken, camia koordinatörlerimizden Koray (Löker), CeBIT Bilişim Eurasia 2011 için faydalı olabileceğini düşünerek geçmiş yıllarda fuarda edindiğim tecrübeleri paylaşmamı istemişti. Ben de, fuarda görev de alarak daha fazla yardımcı olmayı teklif ettim. Pardus ekibinde fuar organizasyonuyla görevli olan Nihan (Katipoğlu) ile birlikte çalışmalara başladık. Eksik, hatalı yaptığımız işler de oldu ama genel olarak oldukça…