How I Saved My NAS?
This is the story of how I saved my NAS from not getting IP address. I have been using Iomega HMNHD-CE for 4 years. But it has been heavily modified tough. I replaced the 1 TB drive inside the NAS with a 3 TB disk. Moreover, instead of installing the stock firmware to the new…
AB2015: VirtualBox’a CentOS Kurulumu
Geçen sene olduğu gibi, bu sene de sevgili Ali Erdinç Köroğlu ve Erdem Bayer ile Akademik Bilişim Konferansı öncesi 31 Ocak – 3 Şubat tarihleri arasında 4 gün boyunca Ağ Yönetimine Giriş anlatıyor olacağız. Katılımcıların anlatacaklarımızı kendileri uygulayıp deneyimleyebilmeleri için kişisel bilgisayarlarına CentOS 7 yükleyip gelmelerini bekliyoruz. Katılımcılar bu yazıda anlatılanları adım adım uygulayarak kurulumu…
Sharing Screen Sessions
Recently, I learned a new feature of screen, it is referred as “multi display mode” in the manual. You can attach to a screen session that is not detached and the session is simply shared. In this mode, anything you typed are transferred simultaneously to the other display(s) as well. My mentor from my Google…
Quick Guide to D-Bus with Python
Recent weeks, I dealt with D-Bus for my Google Summer of Code project. I was trying to control system services, and systemd has a D-Bus interface. In the beginning, D-Bus seemed a little confusing for me, but I believe I understand it now. In this post I will try to explain it in simple terms…
Google Summer of Code Heyecanı
Google Summer of Code‘a kabul edilen projelere baktığım an muhteşemdi. Öğrenciler arasında arama yapmak için adımı yazdım ve sayfa “Yükleniyor…” ibaresiyle takılı kaldı. Aramayı tekrar tetiklemek için son harfi silip tekrar yazdım, ama ekrana bakamadım. Gözlerimi kapattım, gerçekten, ve cesaretimi toplayıp açtım. İçinde adım geçen bir sonuç vardı. İnanamadım, o yüzden az önce yaptıklarımı tekrarladım:…
Passion of Google Summer of Code
It was an epic moment when I was checking the accepted projects for Google Summer of Code. I typed my first name and searched through students. The page stuck “Loading…” I erased the last letter ‘r’, and typed it again to trigger the search once more. I literally closed my eyes, and prayed, and dared…
Install LESS on Ubuntu with npm
LESS is available on Ubuntu repositories as “node-less” package. However, as of writing this post, it is an old version (1.3.1) which contains lots of bugs, while a newer and more stable one (1.3.3) is available. And you can install latest LESS version with npm: Because the command name of the node.js is nodejs (instead…
Start VLC GUI on Remote Host Using SSH
When you connect a remote computer using SSH, and start a media file with VLC, audio plays at remote host and video (if exists, converted to ASCII) is transferred over SSH to local client, which is kinda cool, I think. If you want to start VLC with GUI on remote, the DISPLAY environment variable should…
A Month in High Performance Computing Center
It has been a month since I started working at National Center for High Performance Computing of Turkey. This center provides computing resources for scientific researches and R&D department of industrial companies. I am a part time employer here, and truth to be told, I have no specific job description. I am obligated to run routine tasks, such as checking…
Managing Gunicorn Processes With Supervisor
Last week, I have written a post about gunicorn applications. We started gunicorn manually, and our application worked. Yay! However, everything is not so great. When (If) the server reboots, gunicorn must be started manually, again. We should find a way to automate this. Actually, there are few ways to accomplish this, such as: init…