Author: Onur Güzel

  • WikiLeaks Cablegate Count v2

    Since the official WikiLeaks page has changed, the previous script needs to be updated. Here it is: Please remember to install piksemel module.

  • WikiLeaks Cablegate Count

    Today, I wrote a small script to get the count of released WikiLeaks cables. Actually, it’s extremely small. Just two lines of code. Generally, I don’t code like this. But I wanted to write it quick (5 minutes?) and keep it short. It uses piksemel to parse the page. Enjoy!

  • Pardus at CeBIT 2010 Eurasia

    This week had been an exhausting one. I was an exhibitor at Pardus at CeBIT 2010 Eurasia. I’ve talked about Pardus, Linux and open software for 4 days, all day long. Being there as a volunteer and working hard didn’t matter. WE HAD FUN! While we’re giving visitors gifts (Pardus 2009.2 CD’s, posters, brochures and…

  • Show forecast using Yahoo! Weather

    Note: This snippet uses piksemel module to parse XML files. If you don’t have it, read this article to install it. First of all, you need the WOEID (Where on Earth Identification) of the city. In order to learn it, go to and search for the city. You’ll find the WOEID at the end…

  • How to install piksemel module

    piksemel is a easy to use python XML parser, based on iksemel. Not: If you’re using Pardus, piksemel is preinstalled on your system. Not: If you’re using Windows, before you continue make sure you’ve already installed mingw32 to your system and its directory is included in PATH. Steps for Linux users: Download the package from…

  • Hello World

    I decided to activate my blog again, with brand-new posts! My posts will be about php and python programming languages, Linux and open source software. I’m planning to write in English, but some posts might be in Turkish as well. Since I’m just not that good at English, excuse me for my probable mistakes and…