Today, I encountered a problem: making div element a hyperlink. For example:
<a href=""><div>content</div></a>
It works, but SHOULD NOT be used. Because it is against the web law: W3C (X)HTML specifications!
A very basic (and valid) solution:
div a { display: block; height: 100%; }
<div><a href="">content</a></div>
However my case was a little bit more difficult:
<a href=""> <div id="first"> <div>some content</div> <div>some other content</div> </div> </a>
We already know that is not a valid layout. Because a block element (div) is used in an inline element. If I change layout, a have to insert hyperlink tags (a) in all block elements, and the background of the “first” div element will not be clickable. So here comes the solution:
a { display: block; } a span { display: block; }
<a href=""> <span id="first"> <span>some content</span> <span>some other content</span> </span> </a>
It’s done! And it’s VALID!